We save that for you

Achieve personal climate goals with 
efficient solutions from VEOtec

Energy efficiency ─ one of the biggest tasks

Saving resources is essential from both an ecological and an economic point of view. That is why solutions that reduce energy consumption are mandatory for entrepreneurs who want to continue to be successfully represented on the market in the future.

VEOtec provides both effective and economical solutions for climate zones separation. In a few words: we make sure that cold (or warmth) stays where it belongs, and that you can reach your climate goals within a short time

Our planning services

Our solutions are suitable and easy to implement, because we cover the entire planning spectrum from technical planning to investment optimization. We accompany you during the tender, installation, acceptance and beyond. Trust in our extensive experience!

VEOtec project process:

– construction analysis

– energy analysis

– technical concept development

– feasibility studies

– implementation planning including support for tenders

– coordination of installation, commissioning and acceptance

– After-Sales-Service

Air curtains - the invisible climate zones separation

From prejudice to advantage – who thinks air curtains are energy guzzlers, don’t know the innovative ideas from Masterveil. Thanks to high constant pressure and low air volumes, they form a precise and, therefore, highly effective climate zones separation. Thus, in most cases they do not require additional temperature control.

Сalculation example for cold storage

Advantages of the Masterveil air curtain systems:

– highly effective separation of climate zones

– reduction in temperature loss to 70% (independent measurement in real operation)

– energy savings of up to 70% (depending on the environment, system and configuration)

– protection against drafts, insects, dust, microorganisms and smells

– minimization of ice, snow and fog formation in deep-freeze areas by additional equipment with an insulation beam

– Reduction of the defrosting intervals since there is no icing of the evaporators

High-speed doors - speed saves energy and time

Compared to a conventional sliding door, the high-speed doors from our partners help to save valuable seconds with every door cycle. Depending on the size and the comparison door, this difference may vary between 10 and 30 seconds. This saves between 50 and 150 minutes of working time with 300 cycles per day and per door. The warm air also has less time to spread in the cooling area. The cooling units have to consume less power and save significantly on the electricity costs.

Calculation example of deep-freeze storage


The advantages of Aliga Tor / Troodon high-speed doors

– highly effective climate zones separation

– energy savings of up to 60% (depending on the environment, system and configuration)

– short door cycles thanks to roll-up (insulation) film

– reduced personnel costs due to shorter waiting times at the door

– high crash tolerance because the door can be pushed back into the guide rail by hand

– lower maintenance costs

– protection against drafts, insects, dust and microorganisms

– various designs: with additional insolation for deep-freeze areas, with printable films in the color of your choice, as an air-permeable insect screen or with viewing windows

Combination solutions - because it has to be as effective as possible

People know that two is better than one. This also applies to climate zones separation. With the combination of high-speed door and air curtain, even greater energy savings can be achieved comparing to a single solution. You can decide very quickly whether a combination solution is the best choice for your situation after thorough analysis and calculation. Feel free to ask us!

Calculation example of deep-freeze storage


Advantages of the combination of air curtain and high-speed door:

– additional thermal shielding of the opened door minimizes energy loss

– maximize energy efficiency

– reduction of electricity costs

– one-stop solution

Potenzial-Analyse Tiefkühllager

Sie haben Energieverluste durch ein sich langsam öffnendes Tiefkühl-Tor?
Sie haben möglicherweise Energieverluste durch ein Tiefkühltor mit hohem Wärmedurchgangskoeffizienten (U-Wert)?
Sie haben möglicherweise hohe Reparaturkosten durch Anfahrschäden an ihrem Tiefkühl-Tor?

Wir zeigen ihnen auf, welche Potenziale in ihrem Unternehmen schlummern, die wir bereits bei anderen Unternehmen gehoben haben.

Für einen ersten, für sie kostenlosen Überblick ihrer Potenziale benötigen wir nur ein paar Informationen:

Aktuelles Tor-System:
Aktuell eingesetztes Tor
Öffnungszeit des Tores

Sie haben Energieverluste durch ein nicht, oder nicht ausreichend abgeschirmtes Tiefkühltor?
Sie haben möglicherweise Nebel-, Schnee- und Eisbildung durch eindringende Luftfeuchtigkeit?
Sie haben eine Kälteanlage, die zu einem großen Anteil mit Entfeuchtungsleistung beschäftigt ist?

Wir zeigen ihnen auf, welche Potenziale in ihrem Unternehmen schlummern, die wir bereits bei anderen Unternehmen gehoben haben.

Für einen ersten, für sie kostenlosen Überblick ihrer Potenziale benötigen wir nur ein paar Informationen:

Öffnungszeit des Tores
Persönliche Informationen
Vielen Dank für die Anfrage!